I dislike your status!
If only there were an option! Haha hilarious sir. I loved it
I dislike your status!
If only there were an option! Haha hilarious sir. I loved it
Not bad
It would have been a little better if there was actual sound to it instead of just watching a dude do random stuff and trying to figure out what it means. That's nice that you made it for your sister though
Well, I had to do it all in one day, so I did not have time to search for all the sounds that woulda gone w/ it.
Well now...
That was so damn cheesy in the best possible way haha. Fantastic
I could definitely see this on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network
I liked
If only it were longer (this is me requesting a longer version ^_^) I love the idea of it definitely. Nothing like happy music to go with a depressing subject haha.
P.S. Thanks for using my song ^_^
Thank YOU for making the song! I guess I'll remake this sometime. Just for you!
This is Aaron. Watch Aaron make music. Dance Aaron dance! :P I live in the Kansas City area of Missouri and have been fooling around with music for a few years now. Aiming to be a producer so I love feedback.
Joined on 11/14/08